Sunday, December 9, 2012

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful

I have to admit, the snow is absolutely gorgeous.

I just hope that my car can battle the unplowed streets of Saint Paul to get to school tomorrow!

We are in Christmas mode at school--my three's made these popsicle stick reindeer ornaments.  Aren't they cute??

Last week I forgot to mention that my kiddos absolutely LOVED their visit from a pilot parent that came to share about his job.  He works at Delta and he brought all the kids junior pilot wings.  Here's one wearing hers proudly :)

We worked on letter K's this week--I was really unimpressed with the K crafts out there, so we made crowns fit for a "king."  At first I thought it was sort of lame, but they sure loved putting the "jewels" on--and they don't know how great it is for their fine motor skills!

I have been spending my snowy afternoon blaring my Christmas music in the kitchen, covered in flour, prepping for our Gingerbread Day--happening this Wednesday.  Stay tuned for more Gingerbread activities.

I'll leave you with a cute story from one of my little ones.  Our current unit is "food" (how perfect for the month where we consume the most food possible!).  I had a center where we talked about different food, where it comes from, and different utensils in the kitchen.  I held up a spatula and I was asking what you could do with it.  I got some typical answers--flipping pancakes, making eggs...swatting flies. Yes, who knew that sometimes when there is a fly in your house, you use those things to smash them on the window.  This little one gives me the giggles more often than any other--his perceptions in life are priceless.

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