Monday, November 19, 2012

Sish and Portapotties

I’ve written about this little one several times, but have I mentioned that he has a slight lisp?  As in, all of his “F” sounds come out as “S”.  Fish becomes Sish, Friend becomes Send—you get the picture.  I also haven’t told you that he often has troubles with another boy in our class.  He is a little rougher than other preschoolers, and he has trouble keeping his hands to himself.  And “Owen” CONTINUOUSLY calls this boy “Jonah”—and his name is NOT Jonah, nor is it even close!  It makes me laugh every time, but today he said, “Teacher, teacher, Jonah is going to sast (fast)!!!” while we were walking to the library.   Too funny.

Today I showed my students what we were going to be working on.  First I showed them the sheet and said, “What do you think this could be?”  Since they can’t read, the I is for Insect was no clue.  One boy shouted out, “A port-a-potty!”  And I guess…in a way…it sort of resembles one! 

I was reading a book about apples in my class—the book was going through the process of making an apple pie.  I stopped on the word “prepare” and asked if anyone knew what that word meant.  I was met with blank stares.  I explained that prepare means “get ready”—a sweet little one remarked, “Oh, like Jesus is preparing a place for us in heaven?”  My heart just about melted on the spot…I love their faith!

I passed a sign in the hallway that said, “Attitudes are contagious.  Is yours worth catching?”  What a great reminder to all of us!  I know there are days that I need a attitude check (particularly if a child has an accident in my room…I’m typically not a happy camper after that!).  I am so thankful for the place that I work and the people in our school.  They are tremendous!

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, I am excited to celebrate at school and at home.  I’ll try to remember to take some pictures of our “feast” on Wednesday—sugar cookies, frosting, skittles, popcorn, and apple cider.  What more could a kid ask for J

(P.S.--This is NOT what they will look like...but it is the general idea!)

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